Harga Perlengkapan Sekolah dan Peralatan Kantor Bantex Murah terlengkap
Alat Tulis Kantor Daftar Harga Terbaru dan Termurah
Alat tulis kantor merupakan peralatan yang dibutuhkan di kantor untuk kegiatan tulis menulis. Meskipun saat ini penggunaan komputer sudah semakin banyak, namun belum mampu untuk menggeser peralatan tulis. Peralatan ini tentu memiliki harga yang lebih murah dan lebih mudah dirawat daripada unit komputer. Pengguaannya pun sangat mudah dan tidak rawan kerusakan. Bagi yang berdomisili di Jakarta, Anda dapat memenuhi keperluan alat tulis kantor daftar harga terbaru di toko Bina Mandiri Stationery.
Alat tulis kantor daftar harga di toko ini sangat kompetitif sehingga tidak ada barang yang lebih mahal dari harga pasaran. Segala jenis barang akan selalu diupdate harganya. Penawaran khusus diberikan kepada Anda yang menjadi pelanggan setia atau membeli alat tulis dalam jumlah banyak. Jadi kegiatan belanja Anda kali ini akan lebih menyenangkan karena lebih hemat. Anda juga tetap bisa berbelanja dalam jumlah sedikit di toko Bina Mandiri Stationery.
Berminat untuk membuka toko buku dan membutuhkan mitra kerja sebagai supplier alat tulis kantor daftar harga terjangkau? Di sinilah tempatnya. Toko stationery ini juga melayani kerja sama baik dengan instansi pemerintah maupun swasta dalam menyediakan alat-alat tulis. Kepercayaan ini didapatkan karena respon yang cepat dan pelayanan nomor satu bagi para pelanggan. Tidak perlu ragu untuk berbelanja di sini karena kualitas barang yang dijual sangat baik.
Berbagai merk stationery terkenal dan banyak dipakai di kantor maupun sekolah dijual di toko Bina Mandiri Stationery. Pengiriman barang ke seluruh Indonesia dapat dilayani melalui jasa ekspedisi. Banyak kantor di kawasan JABABEKA yang sudah pernah bermitra dengan toko ini. untuk alat tulis kantor daftar harga terbaru dan termurah bisa dilihat di http://www.tokobinamandiri.com. (tbm-035)
- Bantex 2023 PP Pocket A4 0.09 mm Plastik folder multiholes untuk aneka ring binderSpecial Price IDR 330.400,00 Regular Price IDR 380.000,00
- Bantex 8875-00 Adhesive Filing Strips Sticky note pesan tempelSpecial Price IDR 25.800,00 Regular Price IDR 29.700,00
- Bantex 1326 B5 / 26 Ring O - 25mm Map berkas arsipSpecial Price IDR 62.200,00 Regular Price IDR 71.600,00
- Bantex 1465-04 Ordner FC 7 cm Green Ordner binder map arsipSpecial Price IDR 38.000,00 Regular Price IDR 43.700,00
- Bantex 4012-01 Magazine File A4 10 cm Blue Boxfile kotak berkasSpecial Price IDR 41.200,00 Regular Price IDR 47.400,00
- Bantex 1466 Ordner FC 5 cm Ordner binder map arsip folioSpecial Price IDR 40.000,00 Regular Price IDR 46.000,00
- Bantex 2140 Business Card Pocket A4 PP Transparent Plastik album kartu namaSpecial Price IDR 32.500,00 Regular Price IDR 37.400,00
- Bantex 1402-10 Paper Covered LAF FC 5 cm Black Ordner binder map arsipSpecial Price IDR 24.500,00 Regular Price IDR 28.200,00
- Bantex 8005 Artist Portfolio A2 Black Tas Penyimpanan membawa Karya seni lukisSpecial Price IDR 386.900,00 Regular Price IDR 445.000,00
- Bantex 8870-02 Memo Glass 30'S Sticky note pesan tempelRating:100%Special Price IDR 38.000,00 Regular Price IDR 43.700,00
- Bantex 6210 Numerical Index A4, 1-10 Index pemisah fileSpecial Price IDR 19.500,00 Regular Price IDR 22.500,00
- Bantex 1450-63 Ordner A4 7 cm Melon Ordner binder map arsipSpecial Price IDR 37.500,00 Regular Price IDR 43.200,00
- Bantex 4010-10 Magazine File A4 7 cm Black Boxfile kotak berkasSpecial Price IDR 33.500,00 Regular Price IDR 38.600,00
- Bantex 1452 Ordner A5 7 cm Ordner binder map arsipSpecial Price IDR 37.500,00 Regular Price IDR 43.200,00
- Bantex Trendy 1446-01 LAF FC 7cm Blue Ordner binder map arsipSpecial Price IDR 27.000,00 Regular Price IDR 31.100,00
- Bantex 1450-74 Ordner A4 7 cm Musky Pink Ordner binder map arsipSpecial Price IDR 37.500,00 Regular Price IDR 43.200,00
- Bantex 8865 ID Card Potrait + Landyard Tali Kartu Pengenal identitasSpecial Price IDR 13.400,00 Regular Price IDR 15.500,00
- Bantex 1465-72 Ordner FC 7 cm Pistachio Ordner binder map arsip folioSpecial Price IDR 38.000,00 Regular Price IDR 43.700,00
- Bantex 1450-15 Ordner A4 7 cm Grass Green Ordner binder map arsipSpecial Price IDR 37.500,00 Regular Price IDR 43.200,00
- Bantex 8652 Insert Ring Binder 5235 A4 3D-52mm White Map berkas arsipSpecial Price IDR 65.200,00 Regular Price IDR 75.000,00
- Bantex 4011-25 Magazine File F4 10 cm Anthracite Grey Boxfile kotak berkasSpecial Price IDR 38.000,00 Regular Price IDR 43.700,00
- Bantex 8762 Insert Ring Binder 5246 A4 4D-65mm White Map berkas arsipSpecial Price IDR 79.000,00 Regular Price IDR 90.900,00
- Bantex 1391-07 Insert Pipe Binder A4 Capacity 8 cm White Map berkas arsipSpecial Price IDR 90.700,00 Regular Price IDR 104.400,00
- Bantex 8205 Tack-All Sticky Stuff 50 gr Lem karet lengketSpecial Price IDR 27.100,00 Regular Price IDR 31.200,00
- Bantex 8843G Pocket FC 0.06mm PP Clear : 100 Pcs Transparent Plastik folder multiholes untuk aneka ring binderSpecial Price IDR 173.500,00 Regular Price IDR 199.600,00
- Bantex 3602 Expanding File FC 13 Pocket Map harmonika bersekatSpecial Price IDR 105.600,00 Regular Price IDR 121.500,00
- Bantex 1450-12 Ordner A4 7 cm Orange Ordner binder map arsipSpecial Price IDR 37.500,00 Regular Price IDR 43.200,00
- Bantex 4211 Clipboard FC with Cover Papan klip penjepit kertasSpecial Price IDR 33.500,00 Regular Price IDR 38.600,00
- Bantex 8752 Insert Ring Binder 5245 A4 4D-52mm White Map berkas arsipSpecial Price IDR 66.300,00 Regular Price IDR 76.300,00
- Bantex 8512 Insert Ring Binder 5221 A4 2D-20mm White Map berkas arsipSpecial Price IDR 37.500,00 Regular Price IDR 43.200,00
- Bantex 3261 Clip File FC , Metal Clip Map Plastik DokumenSpecial Price IDR 14.600,00 Regular Price IDR 16.800,00
- Bantex 1465-63 Ordner FC 7 cm Melon Ordner binder map arsip folioSpecial Price IDR 38.000,00 Regular Price IDR 43.700,00
- Bantex 3460 Suspension File A4 Hangmap map gantungSpecial Price IDR 227.200,00 Regular Price IDR 261.300,00
- Bantex 6045 Carton Divider A4 5 Dividers Index pemisah fileSpecial Price IDR 6.500,00 Regular Price IDR 7.500,00
- Bantex 1325-Exclusive Multiring Binder A5 / 20 Ring O - 25mm Map berkas arsipSpecial Price IDR 61.500,00 Regular Price IDR 70.800,00
- Bantex 5503 Flipover Presentation Binder A3 Potrait Blue/Black Map presentasiSpecial Price IDR 151.700,00 Regular Price IDR 174.500,00
- Bantex 1450-14 Ordner A4 7 cm Maroon Ordner binder map arsipSpecial Price IDR 37.500,00 Regular Price IDR 43.200,00
- Bantex 5517 Paper Flipover A3 Map presentasiSpecial Price IDR 14.600,00 Regular Price IDR 16.800,00
- Bantex 2034 PP Pocket 100 x A4 in Box 0.05mm Plastik folder multiholes untuk aneka ring binderSpecial Price IDR 93.000,00 Regular Price IDR 107.000,00
- Bantex 9360 Staples No.10 Isi StaplerRating:100%Special Price IDR 3.900,00 Regular Price IDR 4.500,00
- Bantex Trendy 1448-09 LAF A5 7cm Red Ordner binder map arsipSpecial Price IDR 27.000,00 Regular Price IDR 31.100,00
- Bantex 8815 Plastic Clipboard F4 Blue Papan klip penjepit kertasSpecial Price IDR 29.000,00 Regular Price IDR 33.400,00
- Bantex 8873-00 Twin Tabs 40mm 5 Colour Sticky note pesan tempelSpecial Price IDR 31.800,00 Regular Price IDR 36.600,00
- Bantex 2022 PP Pocket A4 0.8 mm Plastik folder multiholes untuk aneka ring binderSpecial Price IDR 34.100,00 Regular Price IDR 39.300,00
- Bantex Trendy 1447-04 LAF FC 5cm Green Ordner binder map arsipSpecial Price IDR 27.000,00 Regular Price IDR 31.100,00
- Bantex 1465-2563 LAF Two Tone FC 7 cm Anthracite Grey/Melon Ordner binder map arsip folioSpecial Price IDR 38.000,00 Regular Price IDR 43.700,00
- Bantex RB2035EW PP Pocket A4 0.06MM 20 Pcs Plastik folder multiholes untuk aneka ring binderSpecial Price IDR 31.500,00 Regular Price IDR 36.300,00
- Bantex 1401 Paper Covered LAF FC 7 cm Ordner binder map arsipSpecial Price IDR 24.500,00 Regular Price IDR 28.200,00
- Bantex 8006 Artist Portfolio A1 Black Tas Penyimpanan membawa Karya seni lukisSpecial Price IDR 525.400,00 Regular Price IDR 604.300,00
- Bantex 3187 PP Display Book FC 60's Map album dokumenSpecial Price IDR 80.400,00 Regular Price IDR 92.500,00
- Bantex 1450-62 Ordner A4 7 cm Blueberry Ordner binder map arsipSpecial Price IDR 37.500,00 Regular Price IDR 43.200,00
- Bantex 1450-11 Ordner A4 7 cm Cobalt Blue Ordner binder map arsipSpecial Price IDR 37.500,00 Regular Price IDR 43.200,00
- Bantex 9851 Magazine File FC 10 cm Kotak berkas arsipSpecial Price IDR 92.100,00 Regular Price IDR 106.000,00
- Bantex 2090 Document Pocket A4 with Flap Kantong FileSpecial Price IDR 87.800,00 Regular Price IDR 101.000,00
- Bantex 6050 Carton Divider A4 10 Dividers Index pemisah fileSpecial Price IDR 14.000,00 Regular Price IDR 16.100,00
- Bantex 4011-05 Magazine File F4 10 cm Grey Boxfile kotak berkasSpecial Price IDR 38.000,00 Regular Price IDR 43.700,00
- Bantex 3143 PP Display Book A4 20's Map album dokumenRating:100%Special Price IDR 36.000,00 Regular Price IDR 41.400,00
- Bantex 8605 Insert Ring Binder 5330 A4 3O-16mm White Map berkas arsipSpecial Price IDR 36.600,00 Regular Price IDR 42.100,00
- Bantex 8871-04 Flexi Notes 657 Sticky note pesan tempelSpecial Price IDR 12.500,00 Regular Price IDR 14.400,00
- Bantex 1453 Ordner A5 7 cm Ordner binder map arsipSpecial Price IDR 34.000,00 Regular Price IDR 39.100,00
- Bantex 4011-17 Magazine File F4 10 cm Silver Boxfile kotak berkasSpecial Price IDR 38.000,00 Regular Price IDR 43.700,00
- Bantex 4011-11-Magazine File F4 10 cm Cobalt Blue Boxfile kotak berkasSpecial Price IDR 38.000,00 Regular Price IDR 43.700,00
- Bantex 5599 Business Card Album A4 27 x 23 cm Buku Kartu namaSpecial Price IDR 147.000,00 Regular Price IDR 169.100,00
- Bantex 8859 Business Card Dispenser Kotak pembagian kartu namaSpecial Price IDR 80.900,00 Regular Price IDR 93.100,00
- Bantex 8452 Ring Binder 1245 A4 4D-52mm Map berkas arsipSpecial Price IDR 60.000,00 Regular Price IDR 69.000,00
- Bantex 3180 PP Display Book FC 10's Map album dokumenSpecial Price IDR 28.400,00 Regular Price IDR 32.700,00
- Bantex 1465-21 Ordner FC 7 cm Lilac Ordner binder map arsip folioSpecial Price IDR 38.000,00 Regular Price IDR 43.700,00
- Bantex 4011-63 Magazine File F4 10 cm Melon Boxfile kotak berkasSpecial Price IDR 38.000,00 Regular Price IDR 43.700,00
- Bantex 4163 Deskpad Calendar Small Alas MejaSpecial Price IDR 32.500,00 Regular Price IDR 37.400,00
- Bantex 1451 Ordner A4 5 cm Ordner binder map arsipSpecial Price IDR 39.000,00 Regular Price IDR 44.900,00
- Bantex 1450-01 Ordner A4 7 cm Blue Ordner binder map arsipSpecial Price IDR 37.500,00 Regular Price IDR 43.200,00
- Bantex 2040 Pocket A4 0,06mm PP Clear (OHP) Plastik folder multiholes untuk aneka ring binderSpecial Price IDR 141.000,00 Regular Price IDR 162.200,00
- Bantex 1465-62 Ordner FC 7 cm Blueberry Ordner binder map arsip folioSpecial Price IDR 38.000,00 Regular Price IDR 43.700,00
- Bantex 1392 Pipe Binder FC Capacity 8 cm Map berkas arsipSpecial Price IDR 90.100,00 Regular Price IDR 103.700,00
- Bantex 8243 Ring Binder 1224 FC 2D-40mm Map berkas arsipSpecial Price IDR 58.000,00 Regular Price IDR 66.700,00
- Bantex 1467 Ordner A3 70 mm Potrait Ordner binder map arsip folioSpecial Price IDR 66.400,00 Regular Price IDR 76.400,00
- Bantex 1465-15 Ordner FC 7 cm Grass Green Ordner binder map arsip folioSpecial Price IDR 38.000,00 Regular Price IDR 43.700,00
- Bantex 8864 ID Card Landscape + Clip Tali Kartu Pengenal identitasSpecial Price IDR 12.100,00 Regular Price IDR 14.000,00
- Bantex 1465-2522 LAF Two Tone FC 7 cm Anthracite Grey/Turquoise Ordner binder map arsip folioSpecial Price IDR 38.000,00 Regular Price IDR 43.700,00
- Bantex 1465-17 Ordner FC 7 cm Silver Ordner binder map arsip folioSpecial Price IDR 38.000,00 Regular Price IDR 43.700,00
- Bantex 1450-09 Ordner A4 7 cm Red Ordner binder map arsipSpecial Price IDR 37.500,00 Regular Price IDR 43.200,00
- Bantex 8040 Pocket 2040 A4 0,06 mm PP Clear : 20 Pcs Plastik folder multiholes untuk aneka ring binderSpecial Price IDR 32.100,00 Regular Price IDR 37.000,00
- Bantex 1465-76 Ordner FC 7 cm Cool Aqua Ordner binder map arsip folioSpecial Price IDR 38.000,00 Regular Price IDR 43.700,00
- Bantex 8215 Ring Binder 1321 A4 2O-20mm Map berkas arsipSpecial Price IDR 29.700,00 Regular Price IDR 34.200,00
- Bantex Trendy 1446-04 LAF FC 7cm Green Ordner binder map arsipSpecial Price IDR 27.000,00 Regular Price IDR 31.100,00
- Bantex 8225 Ring Binder 1322 A4 2O-25mm (1") Map berkas arsipSpecial Price IDR 31.800,00 Regular Price IDR 36.600,00
- Bantex 4240 A4 Clipboard with Cover Papan klip penjepit kertasSpecial Price IDR 32.500,00 Regular Price IDR 37.400,00
- Bantex 6212 Numerical Index A4, 1-31 Index pemisah fileSpecial Price IDR 50.000,00 Regular Price IDR 57.500,00
- Bantex 1362 Pipe Binder FC Capacity 6 cm Map berkas arsipSpecial Price IDR 79.000,00 Regular Price IDR 90.900,00
- Bantex 3156 PP Transparent Display Book F4 20's Map album dokumenSpecial Price IDR 46.500,00 Regular Price IDR 53.500,00
- Bantex 2035 PP Pocket A4 Antiglare 0.06mm Plastik folder multiholes untuk aneka ring binderSpecial Price IDR 134.200,00 Regular Price IDR 154.400,00
- Bantex 1465-01 Ordner FC 7 cm Blue Ordner binder map arsipSpecial Price IDR 38.000,00 Regular Price IDR 43.700,00
- Bantex Trendy 1447-01 LAF FC 5cm Blue Ordner binder map arsipSpecial Price IDR 27.000,00 Regular Price IDR 31.100,00
- Bantex 1468 Ordner A3 70 mm Landscape Ordner binder map arsip folioSpecial Price IDR 59.700,00 Regular Price IDR 68.700,00
- Bantex 1450-19 Ordner A4 7 cm Pink Ordner binder map arsipSpecial Price IDR 37.500,00 Regular Price IDR 43.200,00
- Bantex 1391-01 Pipe Binder A4 Capacity 8 cm Blue Map berkas arsipSpecial Price IDR 87.400,00 Regular Price IDR 100.600,00
- Bantex 8871-00 Flexi Notes 653 Sticky note pesan tempelSpecial Price IDR 4.900,00 Regular Price IDR 5.700,00
- Bantex 1450-64 Ordner A4 7 cm Mango Ordner binder map arsipSpecial Price IDR 37.500,00 Regular Price IDR 43.200,00
- Bantex 9811 Set of 4 pins "Riser" Tiang Tingkat Rak SuratSpecial Price IDR 2.700,00 Regular Price IDR 3.200,00
- Bantex 8422 Ring Binder 1242 A4 4D-25mm Map berkas arsipSpecial Price IDR 39.300,00 Regular Price IDR 45.200,00
Katalog Harga ATK merk: Bantex pertanggal 1 Januari 2023
khusus untuk custumer: Umum
Nama Produk Alat Tulis | Satuan | Harga |
Bantex 1130 Laminated Ring Binder A4 2O-25mm | Pcs | 30600 |
Bantex 1132 Laminated Ring Binder F4 2O-25mm | Pcs | 31000 |
Bantex 11792-00 Prong Paper Fasteners | Pack | 53000 |
Bantex 12013-08 PP Pocket Expandable | Pcs | 15100 |
Bantex 1265-10 Ring Binder A2 Potrait 2 x 4D - 35mm | Pcs | 181300 |
Bantex 1311-01 Pipe Binder A4 Capacity 10 cm Blue | Pcs | 114000 |
Bantex 1311-05 Pipe Binder A4 Capacity 10 cm Grey | Pcs | 114000 |
Bantex 1311-07 Insert Pipe Binder A4 Capacity 10 cm White | Pcs | 127500 |
Bantex 1312-01 Pipe Binder FC Capacity 10 cm Blue | Pcs | 117000 |
Bantex 1312-05 Pipe Binder FC Capacity 10 cm Grey | Pcs | 117000 |
Bantex 1324 A5 / 20 Ring "O" - 25mm | Pcs | 53800 |
Bantex 1325-Exclusive Multiring Binder A5 / 20 Ring "O" - 25mm | Pcs | 64000 |
Bantex 1326 B5 / 26 Ring "O" - 25mm | Pcs | 64200 |
Bantex 1327 Exclusive Multiring Binder B5 / 20 Ring "O" - 25mm | Pcs | 81000 |
Bantex 1328-05 B5 / 26 Ring "O" - 25mm Lifestyle | Pcs | 45000 |
Bantex 1328-06 B5 / 26 Ring "O" - 25mm Change | Pcs | 45000 |
Bantex 1328-07 B5 / 26 Ring "O" - 25mm You Must | Pcs | 45000 |
Bantex 1329 Exclusive Multiring Binder A5 / 20 Ring "O" - 25 mm | Pcs | 43000 |
Bantex 1329-04 Multiring Binder A5 / 20 Ring "O" - 25mm/KOPAS | Pcs | 54000 |
Bantex 1361-01 Pipe Binder A4 Capacity 6 cm Blue | Pcs | 74200 |
Bantex 1361-05 Pipe Binder A4 Capacity 6 cm Grey | Pcs | 74200 |
Bantex 1361-07 Insert Pipe Binder A4 Capacity 6 cm White | Pcs | 78900 |
Bantex 1362 Pipe Binder FC Capacity 6 cm | Pcs | 75500 |
Bantex 1391-01 Pipe Binder A4 Capacity 8 cm Blue | Pcs | 83500 |
Bantex 1391-05 Pipe Binder A4 Capacity 8 cm Grey | Pcs | 83500 |
Bantex 1391-07 Insert Pipe Binder A4 Capacity 8 cm White | Pcs | 89100 |
Bantex 1392 Pipe Binder FC Capacity 8 cm | Pcs | 86000 |
Bantex 1401 Paper Covered LAF FC 7 cm | Pcs | 24500 |
Bantex 1402-10 Paper Covered LAF FC 5 cm Black | Pcs | 24500 |
Bantex 1403 Paper Covered LAF A5 7 cm | Pcs | 24500 |
Bantex 1427-10 Ordner Classic F4 7 cm Black | Pcs | 29500 |
Bantex 1450-01 Ordner A4 7 cm Blue | Pcs | 38500 |
Bantex 1450-04 Ordner A4 7 cm Green | Pcs | 38500 |
Bantex 1450-05 Ordner A4 7 cm Grey | Pcs | 38500 |
Bantex 1450-06 Ordner A4 7 cm Yellow | Pcs | 38500 |
Bantex 1450-07 Ordner A4 7 cm White | Pcs | 38500 |
Bantex 1450-09 Ordner A4 7 cm Red | Pcs | 38500 |
Bantex 1450-10 Ordner A4 7 cm Black | Pcs | 38500 |
Bantex 1450-11 Ordner A4 7 cm Cobalt Blue | Pcs | 38500 |
Bantex 1450-12 Ordner A4 7 cm Orange | Pcs | 38500 |
Bantex 1450-13 Ordner A4 7 cm Beige | Pcs | 38500 |
Bantex 1450-14 Ordner A4 7 cm Maroon | Pcs | 38500 |
Bantex 1450-15 Ordner A4 7 cm Grass Green | Pcs | 38500 |
Bantex 1450-17 Ordner A4 7 cm Silver | Pcs | 38500 |
Bantex 1450-19 Ordner A4 7 cm Pink | Pcs | 38500 |
Bantex 1450-21 Ordner A4 7 cm Lilac | Pcs | 38500 |
Bantex 1450-22 Ordner A4 7 cm Turquoise | Pcs | 38500 |
Bantex 1450-23 Ordner A4 7 cm Sky Blue | Pcs | 38500 |
Bantex 1450-26 Ordner A4 7 cm Lemon | Pcs | 38500 |
Bantex 1450-61 Ordner A4 7 cm Grape | Pcs | 38500 |
Bantex 1450-62 Ordner A4 7 cm Blueberry | Pcs | 38500 |
Bantex 1450-63 Ordner A4 7 cm Melon | Pcs | 38500 |
Bantex 1450-64 Ordner A4 7 cm Mango | Pcs | 38500 |
Bantex 1450-65 Ordner A4 7 cm Lime | Pcs | 38500 |
Bantex 1451-01 Ordner A4 5 cm Blue | Pcs | 38500 |
Bantex 1451-10 Ordner A4 5 cm Black | Pcs | 38500 |
Bantex 1452 Ordner A5 7 cm | Pcs | 36500 |
Bantex 1452-01 Ordner A5 7 cm Blue | Pcs | 36500 |
Bantex 1453 Ordner A5 7 cm | Pcs | 34000 |
Daftar Harga Bantex 01
Katalog Daftar Harga ATK merk: Bantex Pertanggal 1 Januari 2023
khusus untuk custumer: Umum
Nama Produk Alat Tulis | Satuan | Harga |
Bantex 1465-01 Ordner FC 7 cm Blue | Pcs | 37000 |
Bantex 1465-04 Ordner FC 7 cm Green | Pcs | 37000 |
Bantex 1465-05 Ordner FC 7 cm Grey | Pcs | 37000 |
Bantex 1465-06 Ordner FC 7 cm Yellow | Pcs | 37000 |
Bantex 1465-07 Ordner FC 7 cm White | Pcs | 37000 |
Bantex 1465-0709 LAF Two Tone FC 7 cm white/red | Pcs | 37000 |
Bantex 1465-0710 LAF Two Tone FC 7 cm white/black | Pcs | 37000 |
Bantex 1465-0722 LAF Two Tone FC 7 cm white/Turquoise | Pcs | 37000 |
Bantex 1465-0762 LAF Two Tone FC 7 cm white/Blueberry | Pcs | 37000 |
Bantex 1465-0764 LAF Two Tone FC 7 cm white/Mango | Pcs | 37000 |
Bantex 1465-0765 LAF Two Tone FC 7 cm white/Lime | Pcs | 37000 |
Bantex 1465-09 Ordner FC 7 cm Red | Pcs | 37000 |
Bantex 1465-10 Ordner FC 7 cm Black | Pcs | 37000 |
Bantex 1465-11 Ordner FC 7 cm Cobalt Blue | Pcs | 37000 |
Bantex 1465-12 Ordner FC 7 cm Orange | Pcs | 37000 |
Bantex 1465-13 Ordner FC 7 cm Beige | Pcs | 37000 |
Bantex 1465-14 Ordner FC 7 cm Maroon | Pcs | 37000 |
Bantex 1465-15 Ordner FC 7 cm Grass Green | Pcs | 37000 |
Bantex 1465-17 Ordner FC 7 cm Silver | Pcs | 37000 |
Bantex 1465-19 Ordner FC 7 cm Pink | Pcs | 37000 |
Bantex 1465-21 Ordner FC 7 cm Lilac | Pcs | 37000 |
Bantex 1465-22 Ordner FC 7 cm Turquoise | Pcs | 37000 |
Bantex 1465-25 Ordner FC 7 cm Anthracite Grey | Pcs | 37000 |
Bantex 1465-2507 LAF Two Tone FC 7 cm Anthracite Grey/White | Pcs | 37000 |
Bantex 1465-2521 LAF Two Tone FC 7 cm Anthracite Grey/Lilac | Pcs | 37000 |
Bantex 1465-2522 LAF Two Tone FC 7 cm Anthracite Grey/Turquoise | Pcs | 37000 |
Bantex 1465-2563 LAF Two Tone FC 7 cm Anthracite Grey/Melon | Pcs | 37000 |
Bantex 1465-2564 LAF Two Tone FC 7 cm Anthracite Grey/Mango | Pcs | 37000 |
Bantex 1465-2565 LAF Two Tone FC 7 cm Anthracite Grey/Lime | Pcs | 37000 |
Bantex 1465-26 Ordner FC 7 cm Lemon | Pcs | 37000 |
Bantex 1465-45 Ordner FC 7 cm Peach | Pcs | 37000 |
Bantex 1465-61 Ordner FC 7 cm Grape | Pcs | 37000 |
Bantex 1465-62 Ordner FC 7 cm Blueberry | Pcs | 37000 |
Bantex 1465-63 Ordner FC 7 cm Melon | Pcs | 37000 |
Bantex 1465-64 Ordner FC 7 cm Mango | Pcs | 37000 |
Bantex 1465-65 Ordner FC 7 cm Lime | Pcs | 37000 |
Bantex 1465-72 Ordner FC 7 cm Pistachio | Pcs | 37000 |
Bantex 1465-74 Ordner FC 7 cm Musky Pink | Pcs | 37000 |
Bantex 1465-76 Ordner FC 7 cm Cool Aqua | Pcs | 37000 |
Bantex 1466 Ordner FC 5 cm | Pcs | 37500 |
Bantex 1466-01 Ordner FC 5 cm Blue | Pcs | 37500 |
Bantex 1467 Ordner A3 70 mm Potrait | Pcs | 66500 |
Bantex 1468 Ordner A3 70 mm Landscape | Pcs | 59800 |
Bantex 1542 Cpt Binder -22 holes Besar - 35mm | Pcs | 69200 |
Bantex 1788-01 Mouse Pad Blue | Pcs | 41000 |
Bantex 1788-05 Mouse Pad Grey | Pcs | 41000 |
Bantex 1788-09 Mouse Pad Red | Pcs | 41000 |
Bantex 2002-08 pp pocket A5 10 sheets | set | 8600 |
Bantex 2016-08 PP Pocket A2 0.12mm PP Portrait | Set | 39900 |
Bantex 2017-08 PP Pocket A2 0.12mm PP Landscape | Set | 44500 |
Bantex 2021-08 PP Pocket 10 x A4 in Bag 0.05mm | Set | 9600 |
Bantex 2022-08 PP Pocket A4 0.8 mm | Set | 35200 |
Bantex 2023-08 PP Pocket A4 0.09 mm | Box | 341000 |
Bantex 2032-08 PP Pocket A5 / 0.08 mm Antiglare | Pack | 127900 |
Bantex 2034-08 PP Pocket 100 x A4 in Box 0.05mm | Pack | 96000 |
Bantex 2035-08 PP Pocket A4 Antiglare 0.06mm | Pack | 138600 |
Bantex 2035EW PP Pocket A4 + 0.5 cm | Pack | 149200 |
Bantex 2036-08 PP Pocket A3 Portrait 0.12 mm | Set | 170500 |
Bantex 2037-08 PP Pocket A3 Landscape 0.12 mm | Set | 170500 |
Daftar Harga Bantex 02
Katalog Daftar Harga ATK merk: Bantex Pertanggal 1 February 2025
khusus untuk custumer: User ( Foxtrot )
Nama Produk Alat Tulis | Satuan | Harga |
Bantex 1450-01 Ordner A4 7 cm Blue | Pcs | 36.000 |
Bantex 1450-10 Ordner A4 7 cm Black | Pcs | 36.000 |
Bantex 1450-12 Ordner A4 7 cm Orange | Pcs | 36.000 |
Bantex 1450-19 Ordner A4 7 cm Pink | Pcs | 36.000 |
Bantex 1450-21 Ordner A4 7 cm Lilac | Pcs | 36.000 |
Bantex 1450-05 Ordner A4 7 cm Grey | Pcs | 36.000 |
Bantex 1450-07 Ordner A4 7 cm White | Pcs | 36.000 |
Bantex 1450-23 Ordner A4 7 cm Sky Blue | Pcs | 36.000 |
Bantex 1450-22 Ordner A4 7 cm Turquoise | Pcs | 36.000 |
Bantex 4211 Clipboard FC with Cover | Pcs | 32.500 |
Bantex 9355-10 Staple Remover Black | Pcs | 11.500 |
Bantex 7460 747 Desk Pad 63 x 46cm | Pcs | 110.000 |
Bantex 1465-01 Ordner FC 7 cm Blue | Pcs | 36.500 |
Bantex 1465-04 Ordner FC 7 cm Green | Pcs | 36.500 |
Bantex 1465-07 Ordner FC 7 cm White | Pcs | 36.500 |
Bantex 1465-05 Ordner FC 7 cm Grey | Pcs | 36.500 |
Bantex 1465-09 Ordner FC 7 cm Red | Pcs | 36.500 |
Bantex 1465-06 Ordner FC 7 cm Yellow | Pcs | 36.500 |
Bantex 8522-07 Insert Ring Binder 5222 A4 2D-25mm White | Pcs | 39.000 |
Bantex 8223 Ring Binder 1222 FC 2D-25mm | Pcs | 36.000 |
Bantex 1361-05 Pipe Binder A4 Capacity 6 cm Grey | Pcs | 76.000 |
Bantex 8843-08 Pocket FC 0.06mm PP Clear : 20 Pcs Transparent | Set | 34.000 |
Bantex 8843-08G Pocket FC 0.06mm PP Clear : 100 Pcs Transparent | Pack | 168.000 |
Bantex 8040-08 Pocket 2040 A4 0,06 mm PP Clear : 20 Pcs | Set | 31.000 |
Bantex 4011-01 Magazine File F4 10 cm Blue | Pcs | 36.000 |
Bantex 4011-04 Magazine File F4 10 cm Green | Pcs | 36.000 |
Bantex 4011-05 Magazine File F4 10 cm Grey | Pcs | 36.000 |
Bantex 4011-06 Magazine File F4 10 cm Yellow | Pcs | 36.000 |
Bantex 4011-07 Magazine File F4 10 cm White | Pcs | 36.000 |
Bantex 4011-09 Magazine File F4 10 cm Red | Pcs | 36.000 |
Bantex 4011-10 Magazine File F4 10 cm Black | Pcs | 36.000 |
Bantex 4011-11-Magazine File F4 10 cm Cobalt Blue | Pcs | 36.000 |
Bantex 4011-12 Magazine File F4 10 cm Orange | Pcs | 36.000 |
Bantex 4011-14 Magazine File F4 10 cm Maroon | Pcs | 36.000 |
Bantex 4011-15 Magazine File F4 10 cm Grass Green | Pcs | 36.000 |
Bantex 4011-17 Magazine File F4 10 cm Silver | Pcs | 36.000 |
Bantex 4011-19 Magazine File F4 10 cm Pink | Pcs | 36.000 |
Bantex 4011-21 Magazine File F4 10 cm Lilac | Pcs | 36.000 |
Bantex 1466 Ordner FC 5 cm | Pcs | 43.000 |
Bantex 8871-03 Flexi Notes 656 | Pad | 7.000 |
Bantex Trendy 1448-01 LAF A5 7cm Blue | Pcs | 26.000 |
Bantex Trendy 1448-10 LAF A5 7cm Black | Pcs | 26.000 |
Katalog Daftar Harga ATK merk: Bantex Pertanggal 1 Januari 2023
khusus untuk custumer: Umum
Nama Produk Alat Tulis | Satuan | Harga |
Bantex 4011-22 Magazine File F4 10 cm Turquoise | Pcs | 38000 |
Bantex 4011-25 Magazine File F4 10 cm Anthracite Grey | Pcs | 38000 |
Bantex 4011-26 Magazine File F4 10 cm Lemon | Pcs | 38000 |
Bantex 4011-61 Magazine File F4 10 cm Grape | Pcs | 38000 |
Bantex 4011-62 Magazine File F4 10 cm Blueberry | Pcs | 38000 |
Bantex 4011-63 Magazine File F4 10 cm Melon | Pcs | 38000 |
Bantex 4011-64 Magazine File F4 10 cm Mango | Pcs | 38000 |
Bantex 4011-65 Magazine File F4 10 cm Lime | Pcs | 38000 |
Bantex 4012-01 Magazine File A4 10 cm Blue | Pcs | 41300 |
Bantex 4012-10 Magazine File A4 10 cm Black | Pcs | 41300 |
Bantex 4150-01 Desk Pad with World Map 44 x 63 cm | Pcs | 38700 |
Bantex 4151-01 Desk Pad with Indonesia Map 44 x 63 cm | Pcs | 38700 |
Bantex 4160 Desk Pad for Alphabets Motives 33 x 46 cm | Pcs | 24300 |
Bantex 4161 Deskpad Calendar Large | Pcs | 59500 |
Bantex 4162 Desk Pad for Planets Motives 33 x 46 cm | Pcs | 18800 |
Bantex 4163 Deskpad Calendar Small | Pcs | 34000 |
Bantex 4205 Clipboard FC | Pcs | 20000 |
Bantex 4206 Clipboard A5 | Pcs | 15300 |
Bantex 4207 Clipboard A5 | Pcs | 19000 |
Bantex 4209 Fancy Edition Clipboard A5 | Pcs | 15000 |
Bantex 4211 Clipboard FC with Cover | Pcs | 33500 |
Bantex 4240 A4 Clipboard with Cover | Pcs | 23900 |
Bantex 5503-01 Flipover Presentation Binder A3 Potrait Blue/Black | Set | 130500 |
Bantex 5504-01 Flipover Presentation Binder A4 Potrait Blue/Black | Set | 98500 |
Bantex 5507-00 Paper Flipover A3 | Set | 15100 |
Bantex 5508-00 Paper Flipover A4 | Set | 15100 |
Bantex 5513-01 Flipover Presentation Binder A3 Landscape Blue or Black | Set | 128800 |
Bantex 5514-01 Flipover Presentation Binder A4 Landscape Blue or Black | Set | 71300 |
Bantex 5517-08 Paper Flipover A3 | Set | 15100 |
Bantex 5518-08 Paper Flipover A4 | Set | 15100 |
Bantex 5599 Business Card Album A4 27 x 23 cm | Pcs | |
Bantex 6005-00 PP Colour Divider A4 5 Divider | Set | 15800 |
Bantex 6010-00 PP Colour Divider A4 10 Divider | Set | 21400 |
Bantex 6013-00 PP Colour Divider A4 20 Divider | Set | 38200 |
Bantex 6022-00 PP Colour Divider A4 12 Divider | Set | 25100 |
Bantex 6043-00 Carton Index A4 A-Z | Set | 26800 |
Bantex 6045-00 Carton Divider A4 5 Dividers | Set | 7000 |
Bantex 6050-00 Carton Divider A4 10 Dividers | Set | 14500 |
Bantex 6050-07 Carton Divider A4 10 Dividers White | Set | 13500 |
Bantex 6051-00 Carton Index A4 1-12 | Set | 16600 |
Bantex 6052-00 Carton Index A4 1-31 | Set | 34400 |
Bantex 6059-00 Carton Index A4 Jan-Dec | Set | 13600 |
Bantex 6203-45 / 6286-45 Index Alphabet A4, A-Z | Set | 30000 |
Bantex 6205-05 Numerical Index A4, 1-5 | Set | |
Bantex 6210-05 Numerical Index A4, 1-10 | Set | 20000 |
Bantex 6211-05 Numerical Index A4, 1-12 | Set | |
Bantex 6212-05 Numerical Index A4, 1-31 | Set | 52000 |
Bantex 6213-05 Numerical Index A4, 1-20 | Set | 33000 |
Bantex 6215-05 Numerical Index A4, 1-54 | Set | 103300 |
Bantex 6218-05 Numerical Index A4, 1-15 | Set | 29000 |
Bantex 6219-05 Index A4, Jan-Dec | Set | 21400 |
Bantex 6235-00 Index Mylar A4, 1-5 | Set | |
Bantex 6241-00 Index Mylar A4, 1-12 | Set | 24200 |
Bantex 7460 747 Desk Pad 63 x 46cm | Pcs | 116300 |
Bantex 8005-00 Reinforcement Ring | Pack | 12800 |
Bantex 8005-10 Artist Portfolio A2 Black | Pcs | 399400 |
Bantex 8006-10 Artist Portfolio A1 Black | Pcs | 542300 |
Bantex 8007-10 Artist Portfolio Cases A1 Black | Pcs | 347300 |
Bantex 8008-10 Artist Portfolio Cases A2 Black | Pcs | 211000 |
Daftar Harga Bantex 04